Have you ever tried to give away something for free?
Did the intended recipient accept the gift?
Were there strings attached to the free gift?
I think it may be a sign of the times that people are often times leery of accepting a gift. They assume there MUST be a cost. They assume there HAS to be strings. We have heard for years, there is no free lunch.
Well, guess what? NeoFill allows you to work with local merchants in your area FOR FREE! When they participate in the auction, they are the recipient of a FREE DIGITAL PACKAGE that includes full color images, unlimited description area and inclusion into a media campaign that will use emails, social posts and web site promotion. PLUS, if their auction item sells, they will also receive a promotional package from the station. Who could say no?
Your local merchants may be a bit leery, they may be hesitant to accept your gift, but once you offer them assurance that they are in good hands and they don't have to pay anything upfront, you will have a partner for life.
NeoFill is available to offer FREE TRAINING to your team so that they can offer their merchants this FREE DIGITAL PACKAGE. Don't be leery and hesitant, call us today to get it set up. It's a good thing! No strings attached.