Author Archives: NeoFill Marketing
Two Tier Marketing made Easy
Studies done recently point to disclaimers on audio advertising being accepted by the typical consumer. Some customers are even finding it helpful when they are actively looking for a vehicle. The comments on the published study however, appear to disagree. Is this a case of a study gone wrong? Is there more than one side […]
Tags: Local, marketing, tiers, vehicle Fill in your Annual Budget with NeoFill
Rather than going without all the pieces where you’ll still have gaps, call NeoFill. We’re looking forward to standing in the gap for you. Since we’ve been doing this for decades, we have answers to probably all of your questions. Our Deal Platform is the largest part of our business. Typically items sell for half […]
Tags: auctions, Customer Service, daily deal, Digital Marketing, Digital Revenue, ecommerce, marketing, Online Auctions, Radio Stations, Revenue, social media Let's Get Down to Business This Fall
NeoFill has been generating revenue with media groups for nearly 20 years. Because of close partnerships with some of the top rated media groups in the nation, we understand your business. With a programming team on staff, NeoFill has been able to perfect the revenue generating machine that is the NeoFill Suite. Markets in Milwaukee […]
Tags: auction, Deals, Digital Marketing, Digital Revenue, Discount Deals, E-Commerce, fall campaign, Radio Stations, Revenue Digital National Syndicated Streamed LOCAL
The time that most stations have to be local is becoming ever smaller. National shows are taking over and being streamed in a previously local landscape. With smaller windows of local programming and less talk time for the on air talent, Local stations are struggling to connect with their local listeners in a way that […]
Tags: Ditial, Local, marketing, National, Stream Let's get Back to the Basics in your Deals and Auctions
Summer is coming to an end and it’s time to get back to the basics. There is nothing more basic than generating revenue. NeoFill has the tools you’ll need to turn prospective businesses into loyal advertising clients with no cash up front. We offer a Deal platform for restaurants and golf courses, an Auction platform […]
Tags: Deals, Digital Marketing, Digital Revenue, E-Commerce, Online Auctions Ticket Fill to Concert Fill
Because we’ve been around for decades, we have the resources to accommodate all your ticketing needs. It’s a no brainier, to have a concert or event, you need an audience, likewise, you need tickets for them to get. For this reason, give our TicketFill a try for any charity, sporting, or concert event you’re hosting. […]
Tags: auctions, Deals, Digital Marketing, Digital Revenue, Discount Deals, E-Commerce, ticketing Media Platform Summer Blowout Sale!
NeoFill is helping media groups raise revenue using summer inventory already on hand. It’s simple! Team up with NeoFill because we’ll help you clean up. NeoFill has been assisting clients all the while they’re generation revenue for over 15 years. We can help you earn extra revenue for your digital budget by the end of […]
Tags: auctions, Deals, Digital Marketing, Digital Revenue, Discount Deals, E-Commerce Think Thinks To Increase Your Revenue Goals!
Seems like you have some fall revenue holes? Call NeoFill and we will assist with your digital goals. At the end of summer, you’ll be on your way, To think the thinks you can think, since you won’t need to pay! No up-front cost to you to try, rather, Watch your goals rise, while you […]
NeoFill is ALL IN
Just a Company from Akron but a Champion Nationally NeoFill has been partnering with media groups across the country for nearly 20 years. Our team has nationally recognized members to ASSIST in REBOUNDING from summer budget shortages so that you can SCORE. NeoFill’s Online Platforms including Discount Deals, Auctions and Ticketing Solutions have helped raise […]
This Is Us. This Is NeoFill.
Social Media Platforms Teenagers are not the only ones engaged in Social Media. Studies show it is a full 68% of Americans. Social Media platforms are changing the way we show who we are, what we care about, who we are connected to and yes, even how we shop. NeoFill recognizes this trend and has […]