When you feel like you have too much TOIL and you don't need one more thing on your plate, use a NeoFill TOOL to help make life easier.
Follow these simple steps to allow NeoFill's platforms to help you in your everyday prospecting every day.
- Know what NeoFill platforms your station uses and how they work.
- Create sample sales packages for each of the platforms.
- Know the auction schedule and any open times on the Deals calendar.
- Always approach a new client to sell the Station's promotional value first.
- Pull out your NeoFill "tools" to offer "discounts" or "no cash" deals when the client doesn't have a budget.
- Use NeoFill "tools" to add value to an already packed promotional package.
- Use NeoFill "tools" to build a marketing partnership with your current clients.
- Use NeoFill "tools" to sell station merchandise.
- Use NeoFill "tools" to ticket any event.
- Use NeoFill "tools" to generate additional revenue each quarter.
Connect with us today at http://info.neofill.com/why-neofill/ or give us a call at 866-311-9806